Michael Tchong has been called “the most influential trend-spotter in America”. He is a top-rated innovation speaker, adjunct professor at the University of San Francisco, trend forecaster and author of “Ubertrends — How Trends And Innovation Are Transforming Our Future.” He heads up incubator Ubercool Innovation and is the founder of four disruptive startups, including MacWEEK, Atelier Systems, CyberAtlas and ICONOCAST, all riding early market waves.
In this podcast we discuss “Ubertrends” — his proprietary framework of massive waves that are reshaping global human behavior. In this podcast, Michael and Kent discuss the trends that are shaping the future — from “time compression” to the to the ‘rise of women’ — we cover them all.
The full set of trends discussed includes: Digital Lifestyle — Marriage of Man and Machine; Fountain of Youth — Rejuvenating Body, Spirit and Environment; Generation X-tasy — Been There, Done That; Time Compression — The Acceleration of Life; Unwired — Untethered and Unfettered; Casual Living — The Evaporation of Decorum; Voyeurgasm — I Like to Watch; WAF (Woman’s Acceptance Factor) — Ascent of Woman; Innovation — Reinventing Business and Life
More about the book: Ubertrends — How Trends And Innovation Are Transforming Our Future is a graphic and eye-opening exploration of nine disruptive forces that are shape-shifting society. As these massive waves crash into the future, they leave many subtrends in their wake while leading to many cultural value changes. Society’s permanently altered behavior provides ready context for how the future will evolve
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