Lyft Chief Strategy Officer
Raj Kapoor contracted Covid in mid-March. He and his family are recovered and well. But Raj is taking aim at shortening the path to a post-Covid world. He partnered with Clara Health to create www.worldwithoutcovid.org. The site let’s people register to help researchers worldwide accelerate their race to find better testing, treatments, and vaccines.
Raj has been a venture capitalist (Mayfield) and a entrepreneur (SnapFish). He is currently the Chief Strategy Officer at Lyft.
In this episode we discuss Raj’s journey from contracting to recovering from Covid. We also discuss the path to finding a treatment, and the why’s and how’s of California’s lockdown. We also discuss (Caifornia Governor) Gavin Newsom’s “6 Criteria for lifting quarantine”, and the current state of the US Presidential race.
We turn to Lyft, and the future of transportation (the original topic of this episode): How Lyft is faring during the Covid crisis, how will change cities, and how Lyft affect climate change.
Finally, we briefly discuss the effect Covid might ultimately have on the music industry.
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