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Month: August 2024

Nick Sturiale: Reflections on a Life in Venture

Nick Sturiale
Ignition Partners

Nick Sturiale is a seasoned venture capitalist with over two decades of experience in the technology and startup ecosystem. Currently a Managing Partner at Ignition Partners, Nick has been instrumental in guiding numerous early-stage companies to successful outcomes. His investment focus includes enterprise software, cloud infrastructure, and cybersecurity, and he has a strong track record of identifying and nurturing high-potential startups. He previously worked at Icon Ventures, Sevin Rosen Funds and Carlyle Group.

Among many of his great investments are, and Splunk.

Nick has seen a few cycles in venture, and here he shares a unique perspective on the industry.

He discussed a number of topics including:

  • Why finding ‘product-market fit” is non-obvious
  • When to take advice from investors (and when not to)
  • The real job of a startup CEO

You can listen on iTunes or Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

Ignition Partners

8-Bit Capital

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